


Talking about environmental issues is very difficult to do in a foreign language. Learning the verbs and words in the song above will help you express your thoughts and concerns in English. If you care about our Earth but find it very hard to express your concerns and worries, this unit will help you!!! 


In the presentation below you will find all the vocabulary you need to get ready to talk about environmental issues in class. Take your time to have a look at it and memorize key words.


Listen to an interview about environmental issues and recycling and tick the correct option. Then try the script and vocabulary exercises on the site. Good luck!!


Watch the video below carefully and then complete the sentences with the right words or expressions you hear. 
1. The impact of global warming is somewhere between ____________ and ___________.
2. Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere are higher than anything seen in the  past _____________.
3. Hurricanes like Katrina will be more _____________, more _____________ and more _____________.
4. The very extreme summer suffered in Europe in 2003 is a _____________ type of event, but by ____________ it will become a one-in-two-year event.
5. In southern Greenland the ________________ flowing into the sea has doubled in the last ten years.
6. Global warming could displace _____________ in 50 years' time.
7. We are changing _______________, so what happens next is up to us.


Have or Have Got?

In this post you will find a very useful explanation to the difference between have and have got. Once you´ve read it, try the test here.


Verbs in English can be classified as stative or dynamic, according to their meaning. If you need to understand the difference, you can have a look at the explanation here

Next, I recommend you to download these activities and try the exercises.  
Finally, when you think you are ready, you can retry the quiz we did in class on Thursday. Good luck!


Here are the answers to the questionnaire we did in class about how green you are. Have a look at the presentation and check vocabulary and useful expressions. Are you environmentally friendly?


What is recyclying? Do you know the impact you can make on the environment if you don´t? Have a look at the presentation below and try the vocabulary test at the end. Good luck!!


How many planets does it take to support your lifestyle? This is a very interesting quiz you can take to measure and explore the impact your lifestyle may have on the planet. Learn about your ecological footprint and revise your vocabulary on environmental issues at the same time. 

Who knows? You may change your habits after doing it!!!!

You don´t need to register to fill in the questionnaire. Just click on "get started" and follow the instructions. 

Let us know about your results on the comments at the end of this page!!

VOLUNTEERING: Read the text below about "volunteering" and fill in the gaps with the words below.

rates    hand    deeds    chances    according    effects    way    longevity    beneficial    first    cause    review    sense    establish    separate    factors

Volunteering can make you happier and help you live longer, (1) ____________ to a new study. A research paper published on Friday in the journal BMC Public Health says doing good (2) ____________for others boosts your mental health and increases your (3) ____________. Researchers from the UK's University of Exeter reviewed 40 academic papers into the (4) ____________of volunteerism on our health. They found that volunteers had lower (5) ____________of depression, an increased sense of well-being, and a 22 per cent reduction in the (6) ____________of dying within the next seven years. Australians lead the (7) ____________in volunteering, with an estimated 36 per cent of the population lending a (8) ____________. 

Lead researcher Dr Suzanne Richards said: "Our systematic (9) ____________shows that volunteering is associated with improvements in mental health, but more work is needed to (10) ____________whether volunteering is actually the (11) ____________." She added: "It is still unclear whether biological and cultural (12) ____________and social resources that are often associated with better health and survival are also associated with a willingness to volunteer in the (13) ____________place." In a (14) ____________study from the University of Michigan, researchers suggested three reasons why volunteering may be (15) ____________. First, it involves physical activity; second, the social connections we make help to reduce our stress; and third, it gives us a deep (16) ____________of happiness.

If you think you have problems with talking about volunteering in English, here is a list of the most common words. 


Using "going to" and the "present continuous" are two ways we can talk about our future plans and arrangements in English. In this site you can learn more about them and the differences between them. Try the quizzes on the left of the page for extra practice!!


Here are the writing tasks for this week. This time you have two options, one for those who didn´t miss today´s class and another one for those who did and cannot write the survey results. Of course, if you have extra time, you can do both!!!

I recommend you to have a look at page 45 in your workbook for more useful connectors!!!

Your deadline is after our Christmas holiday!!


  1. If everyone live like me. We'd need 2.8 Planet Earth to provide enough resources…
    To support my lifestyle,it takes 5 hectares of the Earth's productive area.
    I need improvement!!!

    1. so it might be high time you started changing your habits!!!!
